Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Parole - To Be or Not to Be Free

Parole is the one thing and sometimes the only thing that felons in jail look forward to during their sentences. There are instances where certain criminals that commit certain crimes do not even have the chance of parole. This is comforting in terms of safety because criminals such as those without oppurtunity of parole are put away for good. But in other cases the ones that do have the ability to win over the parole board can go free before their sentences say. Felons with this chance at freedom often display the best behavior before they have the meeting and hope to convince that they really have changed for the better. There are more times when the board turns down the felon than actually grant the man or woman freedom.

There is no saying how the criminals will be once they are free. Once out of prison, they have a set of rules assigned to them by their parole officer. The slightest foul up can land them back to where they were in the first place, locked up. This would be the ultimate setback and the number of people that violate parole is staggering. All and all, parole is positive in the sense that it is given to deserving men and women. Certain people deserve second chances and if the chance comes they should be able to grasp it if it is meant to be. The parole board is always the deciding factor when it comes to granting the right person freedom. They know to look for the so called phonies that are trying to take stabs at getting let free. Those are the ones that will cause the problems on the outside all over again. This is why they usually get turned down. Because just like every other person in jail, their all innocent, remember?

"Parole." Wikipedia June 4, 2008 June 4, 2008 .

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Marines final reflection

Are we in the middle east to protect our county form terrorist and to spread democracies beliefs and rights though out the middle east or are we there just for the oil and the government and oil companies can become more powerful and richer. I think we are they to get the oil form the oil filed because the president is sending more troop over to the middle east and building new training station for the troops. I think we are going be in the middle east for a while. The war and Nation debt will keep going up and also the price of gas will go higher and higher in till we leave the middle east because Iraqi was are partner in the oil business. The death toll of the American forces will keep going up if we stay longer in Iraqi. The gas price is around or little bit higher than $4 dollar through out the county and the death toll is near 4,000 people and that not included the Iraqi civilians and Iraqi worker who are help the U.S. Marines. Most of the deaths are caused by I.E.D which are cared by terrorist or driven into U.S. Humvee to destroy or kill U.S. forces. The government is not doing nothing about it putting more armor on the Humvee instead they are rise gas prices over 4 dollar which i think is crazy. They rather make more money to keep the richer class going than to keep a middle class marines alive and to keep this Country safe and i think that is a bad choices to make and what kind of government is that.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Final Reflection

When I started this project I really thought it would be easy. I mean I already know how to workout. I remember when I came up with my essential question, what can I do to be a better bodybuilder, going into it I considered writing down a lot of what I already knew about you know? For the most part that is what I did. I used information that I had stored in my memory banks. From things that I learned a long time ago when I first started to really workout seriously. I have to tell the truth, I only used the citations once through out my whole time doing this project. To put it simply but with out trying to sound cocky or arrogant I really don't need to use the citations too much. I think it helped me the one time I used it but as for my other posts it just came from my own personal knowledge on the subject. Although I have to admit I did still learn a lot from my know experiences with interviews and some advice from my personal trainer friends. I understand that this whole project was about researching your topic and gathering information off the web but it didn't quite go that way for me and my project.

I strongly believe that I answered my question to the fullest of my abilities. My journey to became a better bodybuilder has really came along way from my humble beginning. It took a little time to really try and assess my question. I said to myself "Okay what exactly do I have to attack here?" There was all sorts of other questions I had to answer first before I could go and answer the big question. With a question like that came even more question filled questions I could say. If I want to be better then I have to pick all the things that go along with working out. Eat more, take more protein, change up the schedule, more sets less workouts, more workouts less sets, all this information coming at me at once. But I tried to my fullest to answer my big question my own way. Taking very small steps forward instead of getting ahead of myself and taking a step backward. This may seem dumb to someone who doesn't workout but I love when I wake up in the morning and it is hard for me to move that muscle that I trained the day before. The soreness means that you did something right. I strive for that feeling every time I workout and I got that even more after I started this project. The basic parts of the project were easily answered, simple questions I came up with myself. Most of the questions were stuff I really wanted to change for the better. My schedules for certain muscle groups, the workouts that I do for that part of my body, eating better and more protein filled foods, all the stuff that you need. I know it sounds a little repetitive but that's what this all is. One big repetition after the other. But if your dedicated it won't matter. You absolutely have to keep changing in order for all of your hard work to take affect. So in all my question was answered, at least I believe so. It took a long time but I did it.

I only think that if I could have had more time that I would have been able to answer the big question a little more in depth. For the most part it is answered though. All that stuff in the above paragraph can really help with my dream of becoming a better bodybuilder some day. One more thing that might be able to help even more than anything else is a substance called creatine. Don't worry it's all legal. What that does is it helps your muscles retain water and pump blood in to the muscle. By retaining water I mean it gives you a bigger look when you flex. You see? I still have all this information on the subject that I never got to put down earlier. But that's okay because at least I got to get it out somewhere on this. I'm really happy with my progress and improvement with working out. I attribute this project to my success and increase in strength in the gym to this project. It got me thinking even more about what I do to get bigger and better. I loved doing this and sharing information with everyone. Hopefully I can do it again sometime later. Maybe I could start training a few people and help them too.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Prison Gangs - The David's and the Goliaths

Gangs can often be one of the leading reasons why people go to prison. Members associated with gangs will do whatever it takes to be accepted and to gain respect. This usually deals with killing a person and also committing other crimes that are considered serious. You would think that once the offenders of these certain crimes go to jail that they will get the point and want to straighten up. But these men and women realize once they get in prison that the same gangs that were on the outside are even more in tune on the inside. The oath of blood in, blood out is very much alive in every gang ranging from the Aryan Brotherhood to Neta. That means once you are in there is no getting out unless you die or get killed.

The main gangs in prison systems are usually the most well run. They have the biggest gathering and often are the most organized. Gangs control certain things whether it be money, trading of certain materials, control over cafeterias, control over certain cell blocks, etc. The original gangs that do this the best and are the most feared are the Aryan Brotherhood (founded in 1967 in San Quentin), the Black Guerilla Family (formed in 1966 by former Black Panther George Jackson), the La Nuestra Familia (formed in the mid 60's in Soledad prisons), the Mexican Mafia (originally a street gang that started in the 50's), the Texas Syndicate (started in early 70's), and the Neta Association (1979). While all of these gangs have disputes with each other in some way or another, they do have a mutual respect that involves not interfering with certain things. For example the Aryan Brotherhood and Black Guerilla Family are main rivals but there are cases in which the Aryans will give moral support to black groups in an effort to influence prison disturbances. This shows that they have an understanding on a certain basis and that if needed they could and would work together. In "Oz" this was evidenced many times. I guess this ultimately shows that these men in gangs are binded by one thing, being criminals. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just like street gangs, the ones in prison are responsible for most of the violence and organized crime that occurs. They run things their way and do not care what happens, as long as they gain respect and become more feared through reputation. Back in 1995 a state-wide assessment of Florida showed that approximately 304 gangs with more than 10,000 members were active in the state alone. This statistic is jawdropping because alothough Florida is one of the bigger states in the country, it does not speak for all of the other 49 states that have a high number of criminals/gang members. The other part of this equation that is stunning is that this number has most likely doubled since the time of this assessment. While the main gangs already mentioned have the biggest gathering, the other not so big gangs can make a dent as well.

"Gangs and Security Threat Group Awareness." Florida Department of Corrections 21 May 2008 21 May 2008 .

Robert, Walker. "Gangs or Us." Gangs or Us 21 May 2008 21 May 2008 .

Friday, May 16, 2008


I of course start at google. The best place to start a search for information. I stumble upon a very usefull website ( The website presents a host of information not yet brought to my attention.
The pattern of the human skull compared to the ape skull is on one that brings on many questions. For years these two skull patterns have been compared. "Although creationists are adamant that none of these are transitional and all are either apes or humans, they are not able to tell which are which". This further promotes my campaign of the evolutionary persuasion. Creationists cannot even justify the closeness between the two species of human and ape. There is a considerable gap between the ape and human species (missing link). There are skulls throughtout history that creationists cant place on either side. Ape or human. If creationists really had all the answers and there way was the right way then they would be able to figure out which side those skulls belong on. How can someone lay the evolutionary theory to rest without being able to fill the serious holes in thier own theory.
I dont think im the one who needs to be doing any kind of research when the scientits have thier theories. I pretty much know where im going and have my opinion down. I can pretty much justify my outlook on the subject. I still need a little more proof though. NOT research, proof.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

F17M mAk!Ng sc3Ne--4--

OK! Im done with the movie, but not quite, now i need to get my movie out to the public. This will be probley the toughest and hardest step Distrabution, but yet again my finacial state comes in to play i cant afford the Regal to put my movie on the big screen and the local film festival just past recently back in march. So now im faced with a problem i think my easilest solution would be post it on you tube and ill defently get attention from major movie producers such as FOX or UNIVERSAL. Real quick ill turnto wiki pedia for a little searching.......ok im back they said

This is the final stage, where the movie is released to cinemas or, occasionally, to DVD or VHS (though VHS tapes are less common now that more people own DVD players). The movie is duplicated as required for theatrical distribution. Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the movie is advertised.

The movie will usually be launched with a launch party, press releases, interviews with the press, showings of the film at a press preview, and/or at film festivals. It is also common to create a website to accompany the movie. The movie will play at selected cinemas and the Dvd is typically released a few months later. The distribution rights for the film and DVD are also usually sold for worldwide distribution. Any profits are divided between the distributor and the production company.

Now all i can do is sit and wait for my overnight stardom and my movie to get the most hits in Internet history... oh yea ill be famous tommarow morning.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Ive researched the first side of the two sided street. Maybe not to the full extent just yet but i feel i have some what of an understanding for the time being. The topic is one that has been argued for hundreds maybe thousands of years. Is evolution how we got here? That was my next stop on my search for the truth.

My search takes me to a very interesting site called conservapedia. Which explains the complete theory of evolution. The process by which evolutionists believe nature works is titled natural selction("survival of the fittest"). Natural selection is the process some organisms are better suited for the envronment they are placed in and therfore have a reproductive advantage. This enhances their traits over time. I find that the bible is'nt the only thing that isnt bulletproof. I always thought fossils were a helpful tool when supporting the theory of evolution but apparently i was mistaken. They seemed useful in proofing the changes from creature to creature but the site tells me otherwise. Discovering that It is actually one of the biggest flaws in the whole theory. I learn that CBS had a study in which only thirteen percent of americans believe god had NO part in our creation.

This discovery suprises me a great deal. I thought there were more people like me than just thirteen percent. I also have to keep in mind though every citizen in the united states did not take the poll and only americans took part. Much researching lies ahead.
"The Theory Of Evolution." 5/14/08 .

Monday, May 12, 2008

the marine

We are in Iraqi because George Bush and Dick Cheney are rich in the oil business. They only want more so that they can became more rich of the oil flied in Iraqi and put more money in their pockets and become more richer than before and before we want to Iraqi. They are going to keep the Marines and other forces there for a while and in till we can keep the country under order and the Iraqi can keep there people under control with their own government. I think George bush should pull the troops out of the middle east so the military services don't have to sand nobody home in a body bag anymore and or missing limbs. The government is increase the troop population and create new training centers over there so they can protect and make more money off the oil surplus in Iraqi.

Source Citation:"Marine Faces Trial for Killings in Haditha.

DEATH in Prisons

Once on "the inside," men and women truly start to feel the effects of being convicts. Being contained 22 out of 24 hours a day takes a toll, along with the fear of having a cellmate that you don't trust one bit. When locked up, you have to become even more of a criminal than you were before you got there. Weapons and protection are must have things. Keeping your head on a swivel also helps too. Pile these things up and add a little edge and you should be good. But that is the thing, nothing is ever good in any prison for any person. Even the biggest and baddest inmates are always looking out for that one person who's looking to stir things up and take a little something
for their own. Deaths come in all types of varieties in prisons to different inmates. Such big names and way of death are, Jeffrey Dahmer who was beaten to death by another inmate, John Gotti who died of throat cancer, Lee Harvey Oswald, the man of killing JFK, was killed on the way to jail by Jack Ruby. These are the major deaths of the more well known convicts. This is not speaking for the total number of deaths in prisons.

For men and women who go through the same drill everyday in this system, they feel like walking dead. Although they never got shanked or beaten to a bloody pulp with a foreign object, being alive in a prison can be just as bad, especially for the more dangerous prisoners because of more containment. Prisoner behavior can escalate in the blink of an eye. Riots are always possible because the average prison population often out mans the officers in charge of keeping them in line. Probably the scariest part of inmates is that a lot of them have nothing going for them in their lives. They'll think of the most outrageous plan to overthrow a prison and gather anywhere from 100 to 500 other men with the same mindset and take over by any means necessary. Riots can be driven by racial tension, prisoner rights, want for something, etc. In probably the most notable prison riot ever, Attica (1971), both inmates and correctional officers lives were taken. This just goes to show that death can happen any type of way in prisons. Riots are one of the many ways people can die unnatural deaths, but either way all pointless deaths by troubled people in penitentiaries keep the average everyday human happy that such people are put away.

"Attica Prison Riot." Wikipedia 5-16-08 5-15-08 .

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Workout Schedule

I recently changed my schedule up a little bit. I still go to the gym five days a weeks, but I switched some of the body parts I do on certain days. For many months I did the same workout for a while. Like all things it was good for a few months and then nothing happened anymore. So I decided to talked to one of my friends again. This time I talked to my trainer friend Chad. He is a funny guy with a wide range of knowledge on working out and training hard. When I first started working out he helped me through a lot of things, so I knew I should talk to a professional. We rescheduled my days somewhat and altered my schedule. He put me on a six week program that I got for a personal training session with him.

I workout Monday through Friday. That can be tasking on the body if you don't know how to manage your workouts well enough. I'll take you through my workout routine, the routine that Chad put together for me. I've been doing it for a month and a half so I know it inside and out. Chest is Monday. This is your most important day, to start the week off. I do six workouts for chest day. Tuesday is back. Not my favorite day but it has to be done. Once again six workouts. Wednesday is a leg day. I do five workouts as apposed to the normal six. Thursday is arms, the biceps and triceps. These are smaller muscle groups so I only do four workouts. You don't want to overwork your muscles. This finally leads me to Fridays. Shoulders close out the week, six workouts. I never do more than six sets or less than three sets. About three or four sets a piece for each workout. Arms I do four sets for four workouts because you never do more than five workouts for your arms but you need to pump blood into the muscle. So that one extra set helps that blood flow tremendously. I love the schedule because it's easy to follow and that is something that many weightlifters need. Just something to go by and build off of.

I have never told in detail anyone my schedule before. Simply because I don't want people to try and critique my work. Believe me many people are like that, and iI can be paranoid a little bit about that stuff you know. Wondering who's talking behind your back. But I needed to let people know that we are not all meatheads, cavemen with dumbbells. We plan everything out to a fine line and execute it to almost perfection. This schedule is proof to everyone out there. Thanks to Chad for helping me out on my goals.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

F17M MAKI1N6 TaK3 <

Now that i have my screen writing and script all set and done i will have no more confusion on where the timeline of my movie goes. So far i have covered the certin pro looking shots and screenplay, script writing now i will focus on the sequences of my shots in finaly i will record any off screen scrpit and finaly organize the movie which is commonly called production. In production the movie is created and shot,

The first job of the film editor is to build a rough cut taken from sequences (or scenes) based on individual "takes" (shots). The purpose of the rough cut is to select and order the best shots. The next step is to create a fine cut by getting all the shots to flow smoothly in a seamless story. Trimming, the process of shortening scenes by a few minutes, seconds, or even frames is done during this phase. After the fine cut has been screened and approved by the director and producer, the picture is "locked," meaning no further changes are made. Next, the editor creates a negative cut list (using edge code) or an edit descion list (using timecode) either manually or automatically. These edit lists identify the source and the picture frame of each shot in the fine cut.

  1. In the film workflow, the cut list that describes the film-based answer print is used to cut the original colour negative (OCN) and create a colour timed copy called the colour master positive or interpositve print. For all subsequent steps this effectively becomes the master copy. The next step is to create a one light copy copy called the colour duplicate negative or interactive. It is from this that many copies of the final theatrical release print are made. Copying from the internegative is much simpler than copying from the interpositive directly because it is a one-light process; it also reduces wear-and-tear on the interpositive print.
  2. In the video workflow, the edit decision list that describes the video-based answer print is used to edit the original colour tape (OCT) and create a high quality colour master tape. For all subsequent steps this effectively becomes the master copy. The next step uses a film recorder to read the colour master tape and copy each video frame directly to film to create the final theatrical release print.
Finaly when those basic steps our done the movie can be Distrabuted.

The Marines

Haditha used to be just another small town on the map of Iraq. Now Haditha is linked to a major criminal case involving U.S. Marines who have been charged with killing 24 Iraqi civilians in 2005. Captain Randy Stone say he did not fire any of the fatal shots at Haditha but he is being charged with failing to investigate the killings and why is man had killed the 24 civilians. The killing had happened in November 2005 and the case was open on May 8, 2007. The case is being look at and hold at Camp Pendleton in southern California with a hearing for Captain Randy Stone. He is the first one on the stand out of his squad to be changed with murder. This is clearly the biggest criminal proceeding that the military has had seen form the start of the war.

On November the 19th there was a four Humvee patrol was going into the town of Haditha and than a IED went off and killed popular lance corporal and injured two other soldiers. Within a couple of minutes five men were ordered out of the Humvee and shot down as they ran away. Then a Marine squad had stormed into three houses in the : Johnvillage and killed another 19 people. Three enlisted men have been charged with unpremeditated murder that is important because it won't be capital murder. One of them Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich is charged with 18 counts of murder. He was the squad leader and the first one into the three house they had storm into.

He was the battalion legal officer or the JAG as they call him in the military. He was charged with failing to report and investigate this incident. He may be the least important figure amongst the four officers that are charged with the same thing.

Source Citation:"Military Opens Hearings on Haditha Killings.


"As a Christian, I expect suffering, trouble and difficulties. This does not mean that God does not love me and want the best for me, he does"-arsindelve. My next instinct was to hit up different religious blog websites to see what those devoted to the cause had to say. The quote above is taken from a blogger self titled Arsindelve formely struggeling with the concept of a non-visually active Lord and savior. As i myself have often done. He/she used to wonder, if there is a god why hasnt this all knowning protector shown any sign of existance. No physical proof. No picture. Not even a glimpse. Now they are convinced that he/she exists. They didnt find any proof. They only created the hope in their mind and built a God off of there own hope and prayer.

As this search continues i still am having trouble being unbiest due to the fact that i am an athiest. I find it hard to give in to anything thats bein said to defend the hand of God. Everywhere i turn the same answer is bein givin with no hard fact. These people all have the same answer and its partially becuase their not willing to except the possibility that there might not be a magical palace with 75 virgins awaiting them with white fluffy clouds and angels surrounding a eutopia in which they eternely live and breathe. Its also partially becuase its what they've been told all their lives. They are stubborn and wont hear any different. I just dont see how a person can kick back and expect a God who lets hundred year wars get carried out in his name to care about there petty problems. Hopefully i will find some way in future posts to be more believing.
arsindelve. "Does God Reward The Obidient?." 10/11/2007 5/12/08

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Right Way And The Wrong Way

Even though I have been working out for a long time now there are still some things that I myself can improve on and be better at. For a while I was doing a lot of weight and getting some pretty good reps in. But after a while that started to stop and I felt nothing. I went and asked some of my friends about this and they all said to me " Let Me See Your Form". To put it simply, form is the way you execute all your exercises; how it's done basically. There are all sorts of mistakes that many novice weightlifters make. This lead me to the computer to see if any websites out there can help with correct form and execution.

This one website called was very informative. It had all sorts of advice and proper technique for many exercises that I myself use. Men will typically have bad form in terms of speed and stability. Because they tend to use weights that are too heavy, they have to use more than the targetted muscles to lift them. It means that person is lifting too much. His targeted muscles can’t handle it so he has to use his entire body to help. He’s not getting a very good workout. A lower weight exercise done with proper form is far better than an exercise done with more weight but poor form. If you need to lower the weight a bit to achieve proper form then do it. Proper form will help prevent injuries at the same time that it improves your workout. I really like this website, tons of great information.

You never want to go to exercise and have that feeling in the back of your mind saying boy I hope I'm doing this right. You want to always know that you have control of the weight not the other way around. Bad form and poor technique will kill any chances you have at building muscle. You'll just end up hurt and getting no where in it. Always have perfect form.

Gardner, Brian. "Common Workout Mistakes - Bad Workout Form." (2007):

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Marine

The USA mismanagement of the marines had Killed allot of soldiers in Iraqi. Hundreds of U.S. Marines have been killed or injured by roadside bombs in Iraq because Marine Corps bureaucrats refused turned down urgent request in 2005. From the battlefield commanders for blast-resistant vehicles an internal military study concludes.

The study was written by a civilian Marine Corps official and obtained by The Associated Press and accuses the service of gross mismanagement that delayed deliveries of the mine-resistant and ambush protected trucks for the past two years. The cost was a driving factor in the decision to turn down the request for the so called MRAPs according to the study. On the stateside authorities saw the hulking vehicles which can cost as much as a 1 million dollar or more for each vehicles. AS a financial threat to programs aimed at developing lighter and more resistant to mine bomb and bullet resistant vehicles that were years from being built two years ago.

After Defense Secretary Robert Gates declared the MRAP the Pentagon's No. 1 acquisition priority in May 2007, the trucks began to be shipped to Iraq in large quantities. The vehicles weigh up to 40 tons and have been effective at protecting American forces from improvised explosive devices aslo knows as IED it is the insurgent weapon of choice. Only four U.S. troops have been killed by this bombs while riding in MRAPs. Three of those deaths occurred in older versions of the MRAPS.

Budget and procurement managers failed to recognize the damage being done by the IEDs in late 2004 and 2005 and were convinced the best solution was adding more armor to the less sturdy Humvees the Marines were using. Humvees even those with extra layers of steel proved incapable of blunting the increasingly powerful explosives planted by insurgents.
An urgent request in February 2005 for MRAPs got lost in the mail romm. It was signed by the Brig. Gen. Dennis Hejlik, who asked for 1,169 of the vehicles. The Marines could not continue to take serious and grave casualties caused by IEDs when a solution was commercially available to Hejlik who was the commander in western Iraq from June 2004 to February 2005 and he nver got the vehicles he wanted.

Gayl cites documents showing Hejlik's request was shuttled to a civilian logistics official at the Marine Corps Combat Development Command in Washington who had little experience with military vehicles. As a result there was more concern over how the MRAP would upset the Marine Corps' supply and maintenance chains than there was in getting the troops a truck that would keep them alive the study contends.

Monday, April 28, 2008


The search starts with the reading of passages from the bible on The Bible On The Web. A quick read of the beginning chapter genesis 1:1 proves the typical overzealous Jesus freak tend to contradict themselves with there own beliefs. Most believers say when asked where the earth came from; oh god was sitting up in heaven and created the earth. I cannot count how many times I've heard that statement made. Genesis states; "And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 7 And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven". Which would mean that god was existent before heaven. If that's so then you would have to ask yourself where god came from. This would mean that there was an even higher power and if this was true where did that power come from.

My essential question seems to only lead to an endless amount of questions. They almost seem never ending. I only learn so far that the bible contradicts itself and what i already know is something can only contradict itself so many times before it becomes falsified.

"Genisis 1:1." The Bible On The Web 1. 4/28/08 .

Film Making Take ;;;>2<;;;

As I'm getting ready to shot my up and coming famous scenes i realizes something,,, i don't have any type of story boards or a script of any sorts, my proclaimed film of the ages will defiantly fall apart before I'm in to my third take. I know what i want my movie to be about Horror OK good step one is complete now i need a script, a basis or a bible on what the actors or actress , feel , act , say or do anything in my movie. A script will organize my hollywood picture into pure gold!, but how will i write or oranize a whole script im NO writer im a film maker, a producer, and a director. There is good news and bad , bad news is for this to be a stand up hollywood picture i need to put some work in to a script cause i have no money to hire a writer, good news is that i have the internet the gateway to all answers to all questions.

First things first i found this web site on google www.named and it told me some interesting pointers on script and screenwriting ...There are always obstacles, which provide that catchword that actors love so much -- CONFLICT. This is the heart of drama. Someone wants something and people and things keep getting in the way of them achieving the goal. At times, the obstacles can be common to both the hero and villain, and the ultimate goal a laudable one for both parties, as in Jingle All The Way. In that film, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad battle to achieve the same goal--the acquisition of the last popular action figure for sale that Christmas season. Both of them have promised their son, and they must not fail. Conflict and obstacles can be physical or emotional. But they have to be in your story or you don't really have a story. In most good stories, the protagonist will also have an inner obstacle, some mental or even spiritual problem, that will be resolved by the time s/he reaches the outward, physical goal of the story. Some people call this inner demon a "ghost," while others call in a "wound."

WOW thats really awsome info on screenwriting i wish i could publish the whole article but infact im going to put the web site in my "Favorites" section. Now i think i have a pretty good concept how to give my charcters CHARCTER!

SCREENWRITING INFO, "What Exactly is a script." What makes a good story 87610/2001 87-102. 10/2001

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Researching of Various Penal System Ethics

Capital punishment, death penalty, death sentence, and execution. Totally different words with the same exact meaning. When talking about murderers, this is always one of the most hotly debated topics. When you think about it, murderers are hypocrites. I say this because they feel it is ok to kill another person but they never have that thought run across their mind that involves them being killed by being electrocuted to death or having fatal liquid run through their veins. To deserve or not to deserve such punishment? A question for the ages...

While researching this topic among the many to choose from, I came across a very detailed description of it on Wikipedia. By simply typing in capital punishment, I received a lengthy description on how different countries all around the world carry out the death penalty. Last year the two leading countries in execution of criminals was China (470) and Iran (317). The two countries with the least amount of executions among countries with at least 30 deaths was the United States (42) and Iraq (33). These statistics show how different countries vary in terms of death sentences. While these countries are located in Asia, the Middle East and North America, most countries in Europe and Canada itself have taken steps to totally abolish capital punishment. If this becomes a true reality, then what will we do once prisons start filling up to the point where we cannot put anymore criminals? Yes criminals die of natural cause or maybe by other means of death in prisons, but nonetheless, if a man or woman kills in cold blood then they deserve the same to be done to them. This will be a positive step in ridding the world of such people.

This and many other topics involved with the prison system have different types of consequences. Anything criminals do are held against them. Anything from availability of parole to being tempted to kill another man in heated aggression has its impacts. Prisons and the people inside of them are no walk in the park.

Capital Punishment." Wikipedia 5-1-08 .

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Marine

The new training center is at the heart of a new effort not only to give troops a heightened sense of the sights, sounds, and smells of Iraq surroundings but also to teach them some hard and fast ethics and training lessons so there wont be any more deaths ih the area and in till American leave Iraq. As a Camp Pendleton-based marine faces court-martial this month in connection with the 2005 Haditha killing of 24 civilians, including women and children, the Marine Corps is increasingly aware of the need to prevent lapses like before and replaces stressed-out troops with new fresh troop coming to the area. That can result in a lower death rate of bystanders and marines and not turn the Iraqis families against American forces and other forces and help them against the terrorist organization in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the trainers project house an image of a fighting insurgent and a women and children can get caught in the soldiers way who is about to enter the house or a room and add to the confusion, the insurgent might be standing in front of a wall that leads into a bedroom with kids in it. Even if the troops shoot straight hitting the insurgent but the bullet can go though the insurgent and still through the wall and injuring a child or a woman in the next room. If they know what they are doing, they will take them out by shoot there knee or wound them bad so the insurgent wont shoot back.

the troops who train here also wrestle with the decision to shoot a woman with a gun or a bomb in their hand or strep to them because a female suicide bomber can walks up to them and detonates an explosive vest and kills the marine and civilians.

My Ideal Goals

While I have been talking about all the plans for me to keep switching, I came to realize one thing. That I haven't been really specific about what I want to look like in some years. I know that everything takes time and energy but it would definitely go by faster if it's something you love to do. The one thing that I really want to say is that I do not want to look like one of those guys in the magazines. To me, that is just disgusting. They have veins and muscle where veins and muscle shouldn't be. I have a vivid idea of how i want to look in the near future.

I want to be big of course. But never so big that people won't be able to accept it. Can you understand that? I mean some people look at that and the first thing out of there mouths are I bet he is on steroids or a human growth thing or whatever these crazy doctors are coming up with. The other thing I take into consideration is my weight and body image. Everyone wants to look good with their shirt off right? I think once I drop a lot of the excess that I'm carrying and start to rebuild from scratch my weight would be at a good 205. I weigh 225 now as compared to the 250 I was before I started. I believe that once I'm finished with all the dropping of weight and building even more and getting bigger I will be about 240 or 250. Now that may seem heavy to a person who doesn't workout but I'm talking about 240 with about 10 percent bodyfat. I'm really close to my goals. Now all I have to do is worry about the plateau effect. Once that starts I'll worry more about getting cut instead of building. The plateau is when you decline in strong a bit. But that won't be for a long time later.

I strongly believe that this can all be possible with hard work and dedication. I'm a true believer in the whole blood and guts training. Going hard in every workout. If your good to your body your body will be good to you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Film Making; Take One

Film Making one of my oldest and now revitalized hobbies is not hard or costly. Producing and filming a movie is very easy now of days, for producing there are so many engines out there that can help u and guide u threw the process of your master piece, there are software's that fit a persons style. An Producer is usually the big guy behind the scenes pulling the stings. He is the guy who have to raise the money , keep an eye on the budget, hire a director and the rest of the crew, but being 19 i don't have access to a 100,000 dollor budget or i dont have a company to hire a crew. So i went online looked up some products that i could turn my little lap top into a studio. I belive with creativity and and unique shots a under $100 budget could have the same effect on an audiance as a hollywood one would. I always have good ideas for complicated but i would still need help with some such as shots in a car, so i went to a web site and i got a dew pointers....Shooting inside a car is simple but tricky. It often needs a bit of lengthy preparations and patience. There are three simple ways of taking a shot inside a moving car:

1) Place the camera inside the car. You can keep it on the rear seats while your subjects are in the front seats and get a nice 'over-the-shoulder' shot. Or you can shoot from the front seat while your subjects are in the rear seat and get a mid-shot. You can try placing the camera inbetween the two front seats.

Another method is to seat beside your subject and take a close-up shot. If two subjects are involved than take their shots separately and ask them to assume that they are talking to the other charecter. You can mix this two shots while editing and create the required sequence.

ageniov, "How to shot inside a moving car." NSCE FILM assceaction 78410102001 86. 10202003 .

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My researching

My research began with looking around on the internet, basically just going around looking for new routines and stuff to boost up my workouts. But then I thought to myself that this really isn't doing much good for me. Sure I can go around and look at all these bodybuilders and get their routines. But honestly who wants to do a workout routine modeled after a most likely unnatural builder. That means a steroid user. I'm an all natural builder and want to learn from the same kind of people. I went into it with one person in mind.

I interviewed one of my friends at the gym I work out at and asking him how he did it and what worked for him. My quest is to be better at what I love to do. I love to learn and take in new knowledge about it. When I interviewed him he kept telling me that everything is always different. That you should always switch it up and not get hooked on the same routine. Just for a little information on my friend, his name is Tim. He has been working out for about twelve years and he has been a big influence on me doing what I do.

This is only the first of many times thatI'm sure this is going to come about, me interviewing someone. But I couldn't have picked a better guy to interview first than Tim. He is a great guy to learn from and talk to. Only him and a few other people I would trust with this sort of thing.


As i layed there underneath the bright blue pastel summer sky that day, i tryed to give my drifting, wondering mind time to process my surroundings. It was a care free, laid back type of day. Where you feel as though nothting could be better than to lounge around sipping a cold drink as the radient sun shoots a wink in your direction. Im sure most would agree that we've had such a day. I lye there the cool breeze blowing bye, a cloud passing every now and then. I close my eyes and disappear. I begin to think what if it was that simple. Just to close your eyes and be erased from the world like a line off of an etchasketch. I pondered the question as an even greater question dawned on me. How did we get here? Is there some higher power? Some sort of almighty god looking down on us? or is science right?. Then i opened my eyes and inquired to no one there a god?
Ever since i could remember, ive always questioned the existance of a higher power. It just didnt seem as though it was possible. Throughout my youth i constantly speculated on wether or not there was someone keeping track of my every movement and motion from above. I knew there was the possibility but there was no solid evidence. You may think to yourself the bible is enough. For me it wasnt and its still not. The bible is manmade. Therefore i see it more as a collection of fairy tales put on a pedistool on display and made the center of life. God is to religious people what santa clause is to children. Children have such faith that they will be rewarded for there good behavior from "the almighty santa clause". They believe he controls there fate. There parents say; kids be good and santa will bring you presents. Priests say; my children live a good life and god will reward you. Churches and televangelists collect funds everyday based peoples religious beliefs. They take advantage of people and there faith. If there is a god why would he enlist the help of such people/commoners. I mean science is a theory to though in some sense. Some could argue that but there is hard fact in this area that Cannot be argued with. If you look at the bible its all quotes from man. Things that people have heard or claim to have seen. In all honesty it sounds alot like holy gossip. Say the bible never existed. If someone walked up to you with a book right now and told you it was a holy book and the creator of your world talked to them and told them what to write, that you would believe them? The theory that we used to be monkeys is almost as ridiculous and unbelievable. Although are features are very similar. Not to mention our brains and skulls are quite close in size and shape. Both sides just seem to have all the answers. i cant help but wonder if theres a god.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

MLA Post-----Matt & Rich

Shmulie, Sandra. "'Flash Mob' craze speads." CNN 5608/Aug/2003 32-35. 08May,2003 .

Wikipedia, Wikipedia. "Global Warming." 29830005june,1999 3538. 05may2003 .


Friday, April 11, 2008

Is the U.S. Penal System Serving Justice On Criminals?

December 5th 1990. The day I was born into a society of criminal acts. Not having any idea of what or why people did such things like killing another person or robbing someone, I was put right in the thick of it just like everyone else. All humans start off normal, as an innocent infant that knows very little about everything. As you grow up you gain more and more knowledge of good and bad people and good and bad surroundings, you become accustomed to how things play out and things start to make more sense. You'll watch a movie at the age of 5 and not understand one thing that's going on. But then you watch that movie again a few years later and you figure out the things that you didn't get the first time. This happens to everyone. Theres even a good chance that movie was based on a man or woman performing some kind of criminal activity that led to them being thrown into jail. Well at that time of me being 5 and watching movies that i knew nothing of, Timothy McVeigh masterminded one of the most notorious acts of crime in U.S. history. The Oklahoma City bombing. This was an act of a coward and had nothing but stone cold ill intentions. It claimed 168 lives (many of them children) and left about 800 injured. McVeigh was one of the worst type of criminals that there is and there are and have been many like him in the past and present. Men and women alike have to be handled appropriately...As i grew and saw major convictions of men like O.J. Simpson, Scott Petersen, and Michael Jackson, I started to take notice at all the wrong things that people do. Although 2 of the men just named were found not guilty (everyone has their own opinion on that), they were still thought to have murdered and sexually abused. This behavior is disgusting and criminals who act them out should always pay for their suspected crimes. Growing up my parents always watched court shows (and still do). I never got into it like they did but I always would take notice. Up until last year I became interested in the hit HBO show Oz. As I bought the seasons I became more and more committed with learning about men and women in prison and the crimes that put them there. Even though Oz wasn't always realistic it still showed lots of realism. This started me off with the whole "prison thing," and I have been interested ever since. Reality shows such as Lockup on MSNBC show true inmates serving all types of sentences for various crimes (not all violent). Since learning of the show I've kept watching it and just by the men being interviewed you can tell the hate they have and the pain they feel. Some men are sick in the head and believe they have to kill someone just because. And others do it as a sport. Others just do minor things that lead to worse things. Either way, they have to be contained. The real question is, should anyone care what they feel once locked up?

Criminals both male and female, have different characteristics that turn them into convicts. On a rare occasion, individuals get tossed into jail because they were mistakenly blamed. This is never fair but having no one take responsibility for a crime is even worse. From holding centers to maximum security prisons, all try to serve the same cause. That is to lock up animals that simply cannot cope with everyday life. People in general have a right to feel safe at all times. No one wants to live in a world of constant fear. The funny thing is lots of those innocent people cry against the death penalty but every year thousands of criminals get let out of prison to potentially poison society all over again. Who is to say that these men and women are "normal enough" to return to the real world? One thing is for sure, no matter who says what, some are cured and way more are not. A good amount of them are more intelligent than the average Joe but regardless, if it smells like a rat and looks like a rat, then chances are its a rat. Should the system allow thugs and drug dealers and other multiple offenders of crime the possibility of parole at all? This is what accumulates my interest because I wonder why they did what they did. That to me makes them even more of a threat to an innocent by standard because if they had a life going for themselves why throw it away for a senseless act of aggression or whatever the crime may be. This is why "crime-minds" should be punished, and hopefully the desolate walls of prisons does the trick.

What does it take for some 1 to become a movie Directer/Producer

Ive always have been interested in movie making from the time i was young, I would often steal my mothers huge camcorder that would rest on your shoulder and record me and my friends mimicking movies (to the best of are ability). Then watch it on my VCR player. When i was a preteen i was interested withe the movie Blair Which project, so me and my fiends stole the cam coder to film us walking am-Lesly on abandoned rail road tracks searching for ghost while one by one we were mysteriously attacked by "Things". Then Once again in my teenage years we used my friends (at the time) state of the art video camera to record us doing Jackass stunts such as scaring people (pedestrians) with a monkey suite in the dark, running at passing cars, and ALLOT more other stuff such as going blind with only the camera inside a news paper box with wheels and having my friends push, shove, steer me in to stuff at top speeds which would eventually mean crashing or tumbling in the cart. It was always fun. Which is why Ive always had a interest with film making and i want to know how to be good at it!

My Passion For Lifting And Why

Ever since I was A little boy, like eight years old, I always wanted to be strong. I would watch these shows that come on ESPN, World's Strongest Man was always my favorite.These really strong and big guys moving the so called unmovable objects. I said to my parents that that would be me someday. I'm eightteen years old and I've been working out everyday for the past year and a half. I love it, It's definitely one of my passions.

I knew long ago that it would be a long and hard dedication. When they say "No Pay No Gain" they were not lying.I started lifting with my father when I was twelve, but when he stopped so did I. I got back into it at sixteen and joined Terrie's Workout Center at age seventeen. Waking up early to workout in the morning, afternoon and night is no joke. I said to myself going into it I have to hit this head on because if I don't give it everything then what's the point? It all pays off in the end. If Your Training Hard Somebody May Be Training Twice As Hard, you have to give it your all everytime. This brings me to my essential question I want to answer.

What can I do to became a better bodybuilder? What can I do to step up my workout everytime I hit those weights? I need to know everything there is to know. The more you know the better off you are to becoming a better strength athlete.

The Marines

I become interested when

I become interested in the marines when i was a little kid. My grandpa told me stories when he was Vietnam. Some of the stories he told me when he was out in the enemy territory with his platoon and how they searched for weapons and food in villages for the enemy. He also told me what they do on the base and how boot camp and Basic training was hard to get though and also when they get deployed to a base somewhere in the world and they family cant go with them to the base.

What I Know Already
I also talked to a Marines recruiter and learned more about training like if you live in the middle wast and on the east coast you go to North Carolina for training and if you live in the wast coast you go train California. After your 3 months in boot camp you get 2 paid weeks off then you go to basic training for 1 months. they is 12 people in squad and 32 squad in a platoon.

Essential Question
I want to found out why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. When we caught Saddam Hussein the president of Iraq and killed him in July of 2004 and why are we still there. Are we there to control Iraq or to secure the oil Field they have and make money from the oil. We are still in Afghanistan because we are still looking for Osama Bin Laden.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Mask by Dean Koontz (The Ending)

The ending of this book to me was a very big disappointment in my own opinion. Jane and Carol have been continuing their hypnotherapy and Carol discovers that Jane pretty much has like teleknetic powers that she can't control when she is doing her therapy sessions. Now because of this her and Carol decide that it would be best to change scenery. They go out to her cabin in the woods and continue. Paul and Grace don't agree with this at all know something will go wrong. Carol has Jane under hypnosis again and all hell breaks loose. I know I have made it sound good but listen to this. Pretty much nothing happens and they live happily ever after, is that the gayest ending ever for a so called horror movie or what. I wasn't enjoying it to begin with and they hit me with that garbage. Has a book ever been this unenjoyable to read for you?

SETTING PG30-60 Thinner by stephen king

The story is at a point when there is a happy, excited tone to the charcters. Billy Halleck (a lawyer) has just won a case he has been woking on for years and he and his wife are starting thier vacation. Although the main characters (billy and his wife) are light hearted and on top of the world, the setting sets them up for disaster. Billy and his wife are basically alone in a dangerous place in the woods where anything could happen. Already billy fears for his life along the trails due to the steep rocks and caves. Not only is billy frightened some what by where he is but the old gypsy man is always lurking in the back of his mind and from what i can tell halleck often is afraid the gypsy man will come for him as the grim reaper does for the dead.
Billy cannot help but find a flaw to where he is vacationing. Even though he was head over heels about the trip, he now gets to the vacation spot and finds it is not all it he had made it out to be. Have you ever hyped yourself up about a place you were going then found it was not all it was cracked up to be once you got there? How did you feel?

Conflicts Within Jack Torrance - The Shining by Stephen King

Toward the end, for all of you who saw the movie, knows what the big buildup is all about. Jack finally endures all the hate and anger that is boiled up inside of him and goes totally insane. At one point in the book Danny asked Jack if he'd ever hurt him or his mom and Jack's answer was a simple no. When the pressures from being couped up in the same giant hotel with the same 2 people, Jack didnt stay true to his word that he had given his son. The day came and Jack lost all control by attempting to kill his dear and innocent wife Wendy. He proceeded to bash her ribs with a roque stick and then tried to murder her by way of a knife. While unsuccessful, Jack had failed within himself to compose of everything he had built to recooperate with his drinking problem. It was all let loose on this one moment of insanity. He was taking it out on his loved ones. This part was a true display of what type of effects drinking and anger problems in general can have on a person. Jack was doing so good for a long while but overall he was never ever right. This can happen to anyone and that is what makes this book an instant horror classic. If you had anger issues and a drinking problem on top of that, would you be a responsible adult and risk what Jack risked by going to an empty hotel with only 2 people for such a long time? And if so, why? Everyone gets tired of everyone somewhere down the line...

The Mask by Dean Koontz

Carol has began to have nightmares. She is starting to think that she is goinh crazy. The nightmares start with her just hearing noises. Then slowly she hears it getting louder and louder.
Then all of the sudden an axe swings at her. This person trying to kill her and then she wakes up from the dream. Carol is really scared andstarts to wonder if the dream and her connection with this girl from earlier has something to do with it. Has any of this ever happened toyou before?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Shining by Stephen King

Shortly after Jack is possesed he goes insane attacking wendy with a roque mallet breaks 3 of her ribs her vertebre and one of her knee caps, she get s away by stabing jack in his back with a butcher knife as he chaces her in to the suite.
he hears a snowcat of Dick holloran the head chef he hids behind a pillar and attacks him shatering his and giving him a concusion. He hears Danny scream and he goes after him he follows him but gets away reminding him that the boiler is about burst destroying the Hotel. Wendy Dick and Danny regroup and leave in the snow cat and jack is half way to the boiler when it explodes killing him and the Hotel.

Most Horror stories use last second climaxs to get the readers excited shoing the final ending with clarity to an end of a great story.


The Shining by Stephen King 3rd post

After the Hotel realizesthe it can not posses Danny and use his powers it goes for another weaker charcter in the hotel, Jack is perfect having the stress as the hotels care taking and his resposibilities also isolated from the rest of the population, trying to become a better father and husband and trying to get his writing carrer of the ground. After the hotel realizes this the hotel cause a mad woman to attack danny in a series of events that leads Jack to sell his soul for just one drink.

In Horror genres 3 times out of 4 there will be a good charcter trobled by the past or present trying to set things right it puts them in harms way and leaves them vunrable to attack or possesion. Rich

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Characters of The Shining (Stephen King pages 1-63)

The Shining has a lot of characters. Obviously the main ones are The Torrance's which consist of Jack, Wendy, and their gifted and strange son Danny. But the book runs deep with personalities that add to the mood. Such characters include the hotel manager Stuart Ullman, the head chef Dick O' Halloran, and Watson, the maintenance man. Ullman is known as being the uptight runner that controls the Overlook. Without him as manager who knows how the hotel would be. He has things organized and he has things done his way or no way. As a result of this somewhat ironfisted control, he takes criticism from plenty of employees. Most notably Watson, who constantly uses profanity when voicing his opinions about Ullman and his ways. Watson's father was actually the one time owner of the hotel before Ullman took over as head man in charge. This is why i think Watson shows such a strong dislike for Ullman and his managing....And last but not least comes the flamboyant afroed head chef, Dick O'halloran. O'Halloran is a very nice man who is in charge of the kitchen and also, not a fan of Ullman. Once introduced to the Torrance's, he shows Wendy where all the supplies and different types of food are. Shortly after he takes a liking and a fascination to Danny, and realizes that he has a gift that not many have. O'Halloran has Danny help him carry his luggage to his car where he finds an oppurtunity to speak with him about what he thinks about Danny's special ability to know when things are going to happen. O'Halloran explains to him how he has it and that Danny could take this newly discovered shining ability to another level that not even he himself could reach. All of these other not so important (not including O'Halloran) characters add to the story because they add outside points of view that are different to that of the Torrance's.

Then there are the characters that greatly influence Jack and his drinking, such as Al Shockley, his drinking buddy and close friend. Al and Jack automatically clicked as friends when they met as teachers for the first time. After meeting they started to go out and have drinking binges where Jack would return home late at night to Wendy and a young Danny. This immediately took a toll on Wendy. After a few too many close calls, Jack realized he had to stop while he was still ahead. This was going smoothly until one day he cut a high maintenance student from his debate team and then caught that same kid slashing his tires. Jack acted with usual aggression and this got him fired from his job. Thats where Al Shockley stepped in and got Jack the job at the Overlook. All of these characters build up the story that lead to the culmination of events that unfold at the hotel. Because once there, they (Torrance's) are basically the only ones in the story. How would you feel if you were Jack Torrance and all of these past failures and hauntings kept bothering you and in the longrun your family?

The Mask by Dean Koontz pg 17 to 37 Character Introductions

After the small introduction, we are now going into the book in it's starting point. Opening up with a little rain storm we meet the first character to this book. Alfred O' Brian who because of the the last name I'm guessing is irish, but did not say. The book describes him as a quiet man who keeps to himself. A stoiac type of character that can be almost mannequin like when he is just relaxing. A well groomed man who's attitude could easily be mistaken for dislike. But a really humble man Alfred is. Now in comes Carol, the type of woman who can be angry and happy within five minutes who had just started working there a week ago. Paul was the guy who ladies looked at but never stared hard you know. With characters like this I hope the book is good. I'm sure all of you have felt this way before to right?

The Influence The Setting Has on The Torrance's ( The Shining by Stephen King- pages 63-144)

At this point in the book, the Torrance's are on their way to check into the almost emptied hotel that they will have full control over for the coming months. While stopping somewhat close to the hotel, they take in the beauty and its surroundings from a distance. Jack, already seeing it once before, looks at the amazment on both his wife and his son. Not thinking of what these breathtaking sights would end up doing to Jack in the longrun, he took it in as well. Once finally there the family ventured onto the hotel grounds where they were again taken back by the giant maze, the rouqe field, and the plant sculptures that really drew Danny's attention. All that aurrounded them was monstourous mountains, bare parking lots, and not much else. This was an oppurtunity of a lifetime. This made them be happy together for the first time in a long time. All past thoughts about anything bad were gone with the wind that ripped through the vast environment the hotel sat upon. The closest sign of human life was miles away and this temporarily scared Wendy. She wondered how Jack would cope without the drinking and how Danny would cope overall. This was all out of the window however, when they became drawn to the feeling of love at first sight. Jack was happy that they were happy, but even he was not sure how he himself (the leader of the 3) would handle the serious responsibility. Would the overwhelming feeling of loneliness take over? Would cabin fever make him go insane? Just think, if you were in Jack's shoes, how would you deal with it?

THINNER BY STEPHEN KING pg1-30 Billy Halleck

Billy halleck is a very believable character. The feelings of remorse and regret he faces for running down the old gypsy lady allows the reader realize the connection between the fictional character and real emotions. Making billy seem more lifelike. He represents the feelings of guilt people experience most times after an accidental death they have caused or had some part in. Billy constantly mentions the judge (an old golfing buddy) who aquited him of all the charges. It seems as though he wishes he had gotten some punishment, but the fact that he didnt only furthers his day by day guilt trip. I can relate to Halleck in this way. Whenever i get away with something truly unjustifiable, it is a bitter sweet victory. Halleck has what i like to call an enlarged conscience. Something is weighing heavily on his conscience that his mind will not let him forget or wander away from causing him to feel an immense amount of stress, grief, and often mental angiush. Do you ever have this problem?

The Influence The Setting Has on The Torrance's

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thinner by Stephen King

chapter 9 pg 72. Bill the main character and his wife had killed an old lady in a car crash and got arrested. A week later they were released from the station because the old lady had an heart attack while she was driving. They were come from the fair. The old gypsy had touch bill and he started to lose weight like crazy. His wife had called the docter for a check up to see if he has same kind of cancer.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Shining by Stephen King (R!cH)

Now accepting the responsibility to take care of the Overlook Hotel, an isolated Hotel resort in colorado now he seeks to prove that his alcholsim is past him and start a carrer as a better Father, husband and writer. I really like the novel they also go into detail with danny to not that much thought he has psychic telepathic ability and his able to communicate without saying one word with other people that have this gift, and is also able to see in to the future from what the book describes.
Once they arrive at the Hotel Jack and Wendy go for a tour and the head chef of the Hotel Dick Holloran and Danny talk about the gift that danny has, Dick says the he also has it to and so did his grandmother and she called it Shining. He informs Danny that the Hotel has an evil past and it will show him things but they cant hurt him because there like pictures in a picture book they arnet real.
This discusion between Danny and Dick is one of the pivitiol points in the story to me, this is were Dick explains the Shining and that the things he will see are just fake and wont hurt him...(He Thinks). He belives Dick that these things wont hert him our his family so he never informs his Dad or Mom of his sightings and there fore has nothing to worry about. Mabey the insanity of Jack could have been avoided if Danny would have told him.

The Shining by Stephen King (Rich)

In The Movie version by Stanly Kurbick we really dont get to personal with jack Torrence as the novel really digs deep into his life how he as an recovering alcholic and he is just trying to rebuild his relationship with his family and focus on writing. Stephen King go's in depth on how he was a alcholic and he got into a fight with one of the other teachers at his school in new england, which gets him fired at the school. Then he moves to Colorado to find new work, he gets a job interview with watching over the Overlook Hotel for the winter.

The Shining by Stephen King First Impressions

My First Impressions of this book are very good not what i expected since the movie is my favorite movie to watch although ive never read the book. It takes a more detailed approch to the charcters who are Jack Torrence Wendy Torrence and there gifted son Danny Torrence who has an imaginary friend named Tony. But iam enjoying the novel really well. It was Stephen Kings Third Novel and he got his Inspiration of of one of John Lennons songs named instant carma. Rich

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thinner by Stephen KIng

chapter 4 page 64. The guy steven is still talk about loseing wieght and he is loseing wieght. It is still boring i think. The only highlight's of the book is that he swaers at someone because he got cutoff on the highway. It has no action,or horror in the book so far. It dry and he is only talking about himself, him famliy, his best friend the jugde and the gpisy that is come to town in march and it start on his birthday.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Shining by Stephen King (add on to last post)

I am on page 63

Thinner by Stephen king

I think it kind of boring because it's talk about an old gypsy men and and family who are take the old man to court and the judge who is handler the case is the father best friend sinces pre-k. when the old man come to town the dad little daugther was been come home cry form school for no reasoning. his son had broke his leg while he was running on the school feild track on a sunny day and weird thing been happend sinces the carvaerl came to town.

The Shining by Stephen King

So far in this book, King really emphasizes the type of person Jack Torrance really is. The book starts off with Jack going in for a job interview and immediately showing a strong dislike for the interviewer. Jack is somewhat of a loose cannon, just recovering from alcoholism and having a rocky marriage with his wife. And then there comes his son Danny, who is most known for saying the infamous word REDRUM whom Jack loves with all of his heart but yet does some bad things to. In the early parts of the book, King shows how things between the family of three got to such a bad place. There was an instance when Jack in heated drunken anger broke Danny's arm by accident. This outraged Jack's wife Wendy and then forced her to have thoughts about the marriage. Based on what i have read so far, i like how King outlines Jack and his tactics and highlights the unsteady realtionship he has with his wife and son. King makes this feel like a real life story and makes the reader feel that even the most normal looking families can have problems that dont meet the eye. I am excited to finish this book and see what unravels throughout the Torrance's stay at the big isolated Colorado Hotel (even if i already did see the movie).

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Mask by Dean Koontz

I honestly Really like this book so far. I read the prologue that is suppose to give you background information. Very fast paced, I like that. It keeps me interested in the book I read. Just from that thirteen pages I read I became hooked on it. I have never read much of Dean Koontzs' work but i suppose he is a great storyteller from what I read so far. I'm not really deep into the book so I can't go deep in the story but I like where it's going and I hope that it has a good payoff.

Thinner by Stephen King

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Despair or Craig blitzer and the Genre: Horror

My fellow blog mates and i have choose the genre of Horror. Most resonly is because most of our favorit stories our based on the genre of horror form the shinning to the fall of the house of usher by edger alen poe. Horror is a very celebrated genre it has been a source of entertaiment for centurys and it is still strong as ever to day

Friday, January 11, 2008

Assessment - Indy Reading Project - December

Zach T - 5/5 Responses
Zach, nice job overall.  Your responses are very well developed and it looks like you are putting in a good effort.  You're varying your topics too, which means that you're trying to explore many aspects of the novel.  One thing I noticed in your last response (which was very developed) is that you had a lot of plot and not a whole lot of focus on setting.  You said that each setting is a stepping stone.  It is better to talk in larger terms about the setting's overall significance than just retelling what happened there.  What does each place represent?  You kind of get there in the Hollywood response but not so much in the other places.

Zach B - 5/5 Responses
Zach, I'm glad you enjoyed Palahniuk.  I've read Lullaby, which wasn't really that graphic.  If you get Rant back to me tomorrow I'm going to read it on break.  I'm glad you completed all your work (and finally signed up for Blogger), now I just need you to get a little more in depth about the books.  

Rich - 5/5 Responses
Rich, I'm glad you were able to read a book you really enjoyed.  You might really like Ender's Game, which is a science fiction book about this kid with special abilities who becomes this super military weapon.  It's not graphic like Halo, but I enjoyed it immensely.  Nice job taking leadership position and working hard on this blog.

Spencer - 3/5 Responses
Spencer, forward progress is always good.  Let's keep it up.  Your responses need to go deeper and you need to make sure you proofread.  

Matt - 0/5 Responses
Let's get it together.