Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Right Way And The Wrong Way

Even though I have been working out for a long time now there are still some things that I myself can improve on and be better at. For a while I was doing a lot of weight and getting some pretty good reps in. But after a while that started to stop and I felt nothing. I went and asked some of my friends about this and they all said to me " Let Me See Your Form". To put it simply, form is the way you execute all your exercises; how it's done basically. There are all sorts of mistakes that many novice weightlifters make. This lead me to the computer to see if any websites out there can help with correct form and execution.

This one website called was very informative. It had all sorts of advice and proper technique for many exercises that I myself use. Men will typically have bad form in terms of speed and stability. Because they tend to use weights that are too heavy, they have to use more than the targetted muscles to lift them. It means that person is lifting too much. His targeted muscles can’t handle it so he has to use his entire body to help. He’s not getting a very good workout. A lower weight exercise done with proper form is far better than an exercise done with more weight but poor form. If you need to lower the weight a bit to achieve proper form then do it. Proper form will help prevent injuries at the same time that it improves your workout. I really like this website, tons of great information.

You never want to go to exercise and have that feeling in the back of your mind saying boy I hope I'm doing this right. You want to always know that you have control of the weight not the other way around. Bad form and poor technique will kill any chances you have at building muscle. You'll just end up hurt and getting no where in it. Always have perfect form.

Gardner, Brian. "Common Workout Mistakes - Bad Workout Form." (2007):

1 comment:

matt sterns said...

Sounds like your search is going well. Judging by the content of your post it looks as though you have a good grasp on the information and you are learning alot in the process of your search. Just by reading your post i have already learned things i didnt know.