Friday, April 11, 2008

The Marines

I become interested when

I become interested in the marines when i was a little kid. My grandpa told me stories when he was Vietnam. Some of the stories he told me when he was out in the enemy territory with his platoon and how they searched for weapons and food in villages for the enemy. He also told me what they do on the base and how boot camp and Basic training was hard to get though and also when they get deployed to a base somewhere in the world and they family cant go with them to the base.

What I Know Already
I also talked to a Marines recruiter and learned more about training like if you live in the middle wast and on the east coast you go to North Carolina for training and if you live in the wast coast you go train California. After your 3 months in boot camp you get 2 paid weeks off then you go to basic training for 1 months. they is 12 people in squad and 32 squad in a platoon.

Essential Question
I want to found out why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. When we caught Saddam Hussein the president of Iraq and killed him in July of 2004 and why are we still there. Are we there to control Iraq or to secure the oil Field they have and make money from the oil. We are still in Afghanistan because we are still looking for Osama Bin Laden.

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