As this search continues i still am having trouble being unbiest due to the fact that i am an athiest. I find it hard to give in to anything thats bein said to defend the hand of God. Everywhere i turn the same answer is bein givin with no hard fact. These people all have the same answer and its partially becuase their not willing to except the possibility that there might not be a magical palace with 75 virgins awaiting them with white fluffy clouds and angels surrounding a eutopia in which they eternely live and breathe. Its also partially becuase its what they've been told all their lives. They are stubborn and wont hear any different. I just dont see how a person can kick back and expect a God who lets hundred year wars get carried out in his name to care about there petty problems. Hopefully i will find some way in future posts to be more believing.
arsindelve. "Does God Reward The Obidient?." 10/11/2007 5/12/08
1 comment:
Good point Matt, I for one am agnostic meaning I believe in a higher being, but there is no proof of his existence I have no faith or disbelief in god. But the Catholic religion has been pushed, nay shoved on me for all my life. It's nothing that can be proven, that's just my opinion.
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