Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Workout Schedule

I recently changed my schedule up a little bit. I still go to the gym five days a weeks, but I switched some of the body parts I do on certain days. For many months I did the same workout for a while. Like all things it was good for a few months and then nothing happened anymore. So I decided to talked to one of my friends again. This time I talked to my trainer friend Chad. He is a funny guy with a wide range of knowledge on working out and training hard. When I first started working out he helped me through a lot of things, so I knew I should talk to a professional. We rescheduled my days somewhat and altered my schedule. He put me on a six week program that I got for a personal training session with him.

I workout Monday through Friday. That can be tasking on the body if you don't know how to manage your workouts well enough. I'll take you through my workout routine, the routine that Chad put together for me. I've been doing it for a month and a half so I know it inside and out. Chest is Monday. This is your most important day, to start the week off. I do six workouts for chest day. Tuesday is back. Not my favorite day but it has to be done. Once again six workouts. Wednesday is a leg day. I do five workouts as apposed to the normal six. Thursday is arms, the biceps and triceps. These are smaller muscle groups so I only do four workouts. You don't want to overwork your muscles. This finally leads me to Fridays. Shoulders close out the week, six workouts. I never do more than six sets or less than three sets. About three or four sets a piece for each workout. Arms I do four sets for four workouts because you never do more than five workouts for your arms but you need to pump blood into the muscle. So that one extra set helps that blood flow tremendously. I love the schedule because it's easy to follow and that is something that many weightlifters need. Just something to go by and build off of.

I have never told in detail anyone my schedule before. Simply because I don't want people to try and critique my work. Believe me many people are like that, and iI can be paranoid a little bit about that stuff you know. Wondering who's talking behind your back. But I needed to let people know that we are not all meatheads, cavemen with dumbbells. We plan everything out to a fine line and execute it to almost perfection. This schedule is proof to everyone out there. Thanks to Chad for helping me out on my goals.

3 comments: said...

that good that you change your schedule up. Change can be goog for youself and the people around you can change to

The Kielbasa said...

I believe you have a fine piece of work here. Well written and it has a good flow of information. Keep up the good work and we will see the improvement.

richie_rich said...

well commenting what spencer said it is probley goods to rest and change work outs to give your knees a break.