While researching this topic among the many to choose from, I came across a very detailed description of it on Wikipedia. By simply typing in capital punishment, I received a lengthy description on how different countries all around the world carry out the death penalty. Last year the two leading countries in execution of criminals was China (470) and Iran (317). The two countries with the least amount of executions among countries with at least 30 deaths was the United States (42) and Iraq (33). These statistics show how different countries vary in terms of death sentences. While these countries are located in Asia, the Middle East and North America, most countries in Europe and Canada itself have taken steps to totally abolish capital punishment. If this becomes a true reality, then what will we do once prisons start filling up to the point where we cannot put anymore criminals? Yes criminals die of natural cause or maybe by other means of death in prisons, but nonetheless, if a man or woman kills in cold blood then they deserve the same to be done to them. This will be a positive step in ridding the world of such people.
This and many other topics involved with the prison system have different types of consequences. Anything criminals do are held against them. Anything from availability of parole to being tempted to kill another man in heated aggression has its impacts. Prisons and the people inside of them are no walk in the park.
Capital Punishment." Wikipedia 5-1-08
That's some deep stuff. With a bit of the truth. To abolish the death penalty in every form is just plain old dumb. Karma, if you kill someone and someone saw you kill them, so then shall the same be done to you.
I like your topic. If you murder someone else I think it's only fair that the same happens to you. Why can you take someone's life but you can still live yours? I think all states should allow capitol punishment.
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