Once on "the inside," men and women truly start to feel the effects of being convicts. Being contained 22 out of 24 hours a day takes a toll, along with the fear of having a cellmate that you don't trust one bit. When locked up, you have to become even more of a criminal than you were before you got there. Weapons and protection are must have things. Keeping your head on a swivel also helps too. Pile these things up and add a little edge and you should be good. But that is the thing, nothing is ever good in any prison for any person. Even the biggest and baddest inmates are always looking out for that one person who's looking to stir things up and take a little something
for their own. Deaths come in all types of varieties in prisons to different inmates. Such big names and way of death are, Jeffrey Dahmer who was beaten to death by another inmate, John Gotti who died of throat cancer, Lee Harvey Oswald, the man of killing JFK, was killed on the way to jail by Jack Ruby. These are the major deaths of the more well known convicts. This is not speaking for the total number of deaths in prisons.
For men and women who go through the same drill everyday in this system, they feel like walking dead. Although they never got shanked or beaten to a bloody pulp with a foreign object, being alive in a prison can be just as bad, especially for the more dangerous prisoners because of more containment. Prisoner behavior can escalate in the blink of an eye. Riots are always possible because the average prison population often out mans the officers in charge of keeping them in line. Probably the scariest part of inmates is that a lot of them have nothing going for them in their lives. They'll think of the most outrageous plan to overthrow a prison and gather anywhere from 100 to 500 other men with the same mindset and take over by any means necessary. Riots can be driven by racial tension, prisoner rights, want for something, etc. In probably the most notable prison riot ever, Attica (1971), both inmates and correctional officers lives were taken. This just goes to show that death can happen any type of way in prisons. Riots are one of the many ways people can die unnatural deaths, but either way all pointless deaths by troubled people in penitentiaries keep the average everyday human happy that such people are put away.
"Attica Prison Riot." Wikipedia 5-16-08 5-15-08