Friday, December 14, 2007

shades of of simon gray

The group had prombles with each other and not being honest with each other Kyle told them about that a tset that a teacher found in her printer tray at school.After Simon was in the car crash. The group had meet up to have a meeting. They talked about want they are going do about a test that Denny that had tried to print but did not work then he had print it to the secretary office of the school. Simon was in love with Kyle and she feels bad cause she lead him on to her and he had taped into the school computers system becaues of her and he is almost dead cause becaues of her and the group.Kyle and Denny are not form rich family and they and Simon make them fake scholarshipsto collage .they conflictwith they family and parant cant pay for school


Zach T said...

The worst piece of writing in the history of mankind itself. What a disgusting display of literature.

Zach B said...

My I.Q just dropped ten points for reading this sorry excuse for writing.Congratulations Spence, you made everyone who reads this want to take typing lessons.