Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Chief by Robert Lipsyte

The Chief is narrarated by Sonny's best friend Martin Witherspoon. In the book Martin is actually writing a book outlining Sonny's up and down career and explains how Sonny is it when it comes to true boxing talent. A lot of the time Martin describes situations from his own point of view and there are lots of times there is much dialogue between Martin and various characters that he is talking to. I like when certain parts are like this because it makes the situaton more real and you feel like you are right there when the conversation is happening. While Martin is in the writing process of his book he has to get it checked by his professor at school. Martin often gets criticized by the way he puts things together and therefore starts to disregard the whole "checking" process. He knows that he has something good when it comes to his writing and starts to feel better then his fellow students after Sonny starts gaining fame fast and Martin is right alongside him through the journey. He looks at it like its not everyday that someone gets to tag along with a world class boxer climbing through the ranks. After this he walks to school wth somewhat of a chip on his shoulder thinking that he is better than everyone else.

Martin does not only write about Sonny and boxing. He explains the team and how they are all unique in their own way and how they contribute to Sonny's success. At this point your probably thinking that Martin only writes about other people and not himself. That is not entirely true. He explains how he likes a tv lady that he meets in the beginning of the story when Sonny loses one of his fights due to a cheap and unfair decision. She asks before the fight if her crew can tape the match so that she can see who Sonny is and highlight him as an up and comer. After this she sticks around and plays an important role in guiding Sonny to the promised land and also starts to grow a tighter and more serious bond with Martin. Having Martin narrarate definitely adds more of twist on things and makes the book more exciting because of his personality. Lipsyte did a great job with this character.

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Zach, I like the voice in your responses. Very developed and I can tell you're thinking.